Are the online summer classes compulsory?
No. If you’re not comfortable with online learning, you may opt to take the subjects when regular classes resume.
How were the subjects chosen for the online summer classes?
Subjects offered for the online summer classes are the regular summer class offerings based on the curriculum of the programs. For special classes, these are subjects requested by the students and approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) to be opened. All online classes for the summer are purely lecture classes.
Can I take the offered online classes from another college/department?
Yes, you may, if the class falls under General Education (GenEd) subjects.
Can I join the online class if we don’t have a strong internet connection in our area?
Online classes are best experienced if there is a reliable internet connection. Therefore, we highly suggest checking your internet connection before you enroll to ensure a holistic digital learning experience.
Can I enroll if I have an outstanding balance?
Yes, a promissory note is available upon request in the corresponding email from the Finance Department
for continuing students in Step 2.
What if a class can’t reach the minimum of 10 students?
The class will be dissolved.
Can I cancel my enrollment if classes are dissolved?
Yes, please check the cancellation policy here: Online Enrollment Policies
The cancellation of enrollment form can be found here: Cancellation of Enrollment
If I have further questions, to whom should I address my query?
You may send an email to any of the following based on your concerns.
Admissions –
Registrar –
College of Physical Therapy –
College of Radiologic Technology –
College of Medical Technology –
College of Pharmacy –
College of Psychology –
College of Nursing –
College of Entrepreneurship & Management –
Senior High School–